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Legislative Recap and Special Session

We made the Special Session, y’all! But not before accomplishing a lot in the regular session!

Before we head back to the special session July 18, to work on several pro-life measures that have been included on “the call,” here’s a recap of the regular session which ended May 29th:

  • PASSED: SB 8, which includes a state ban on partial birth abortion & fetal tissue research, provides for humane disposition of fetal remains, creates uniform definition of abortion (clean up that among other things excludes ectopic pregnancy). Also bans dismemberment abortions.

  • PASSED: HB 2552, the omnibus anti sex-trafficking bill, was amended to fully include HB 2858, creating a felony offense for coerced abortion by human traffickers and requiring signage at abortion facilities with information about how to seek help.

  • PASSED: HB 3859 protects faith-based foster care agencies and foster parents from having to procure or assist with abortions for minors.

  • DOUBLED the $$ for Alternatives to Abortion!

In fact, FIVE of our top eight priorities passed, and two more are on the call for the Special Session! The following pro-life items are on the Call:

HB 2962, which would have required HOSPITALS to report abortion complications, passed in both chambers but died in the senate after non-germane amendments were added. Currently, hospitals treat most abortion complications, but all our abortion reporting laws are directed at abortion facilities. More accurate data is critical to defending our pro-life legislation and determining future policy and legislation.

HB 1936 would have prohibited any taxpayer funding (would apply even to local taxing entities) or contracting with abortion facilities or their affiliates.

SB 20, an Insurance Reform bill that would prohibit state or federal insurance policies from paying for abortions, and require private insurers to sell abortion coverage separately, died when the clock ran out in the House.

HB 2063 A bill that would provide greater protection to patients from secret "Do Not Resuscitate Orders".

We will be there, of course, working hard – for YOU – to save moms and babies. Stay tuned for another round of pro-life victories! Together, we are saving lives and changing hearts!


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