Why we walk 25 years of making a difference!
During our drive home from school one afternoon last year, my then seven-year-old son surprised me with a heartbreaking question. With as much disbelief that a child his age could muster, he said, “Mommy, at school today my friend told me that if a mommy has a baby in her tummy and she decides she does not want it, then she can kill it!” Then he asked, “That’s not true! Is it, mommy?”
Not knowing exactly how to respond to such a question coming from my innocent child, whose six-year-old sister was seated beside him, I took a deep breath and said a quick prayer.
“Sadly, it is true.” I said. Both of my children were truly shocked. He responded with disgust, while she seemed overcome with sadness. “How can it be true?” she asked through tears.
Although that was not a conversation I wanted to have with my young children, something very positive came of it: two pro-life warriors were born during our car ride home that afternoon. They remember women and their unborn babies in their prayers daily; they accompany us to pray outside of Planned Parenthood on occasion; and, right now they are really looking forward to the Walk for Life!
“We walk for the mommies and babies!” exclaimed my daughter (now seven), excitedly holding her new Walk for Life brochure. She and her brother each raised $100 last year! Included in the donations was money they generously took from their own piggy banks.
Today, I asked my son who is eight why it is important that we participate in the Walk. He said, “We help the mommies so they will let their babies be born, and so that there won’t be any more abortions.”
Why support Texans for Life? We take aim at the heart of abortion by reaching teens with the life-saving and life-changing message of abstinence. Through our programs, thousands of young people have been impacted over the years. The value and dignity of every human life is affirmed through our record-setting rallies, speeches, and workshops. We have had a major impact by educating citizens and legislators, which in turn enables life-saving legislation to be passed.
Won’t you join us on Saturday, May 7th at one of the convenient Walk for Life locations to show your support as well? My children have already said they will be taking some money from their piggy banks again this year. How about you? Click here for specifics, and thank you for your faithful support!